CRC Workforce Program
CRC’s Workforce Program offers coaching and community support to those living with mental health challenges as they find their next career steps and pursue their life goals. Any individual living in recovery from mental health challenges who is facing the prospect of re-entering the workforce, changing job or careers, or seeking to carve a new path for themselves. Eligibility for services is determined through an intake with our staff and is based on identification as a peer in the mental health community, residency in Massachusetts, age (over 18), and ability to engage in a collaborative process.
Services provided by Cole Resource Center are explicitly non-clinical, and provided exclusively by peers and allies who are deeply committed and sensitive to the lived experiences of our clients. All CRC programs are offered at no cost to participants, thanks to philanthropic support. We are grateful to the donors who make this possible.
Workforce Program Services
Job Search Coaching is series of 5 to 10 individual meetings, as mutually determined and scheduled by the client and the coach. This service is for those who are amid - or ready to begin - a job search. Participants are prepared to develop or refine professional materials, identify opportunities, network, and apply to jobs or volunteer positions. In the Job Search Coaching program, you will meet one-on-one with a member of our Workforce Team. We will help you draft and/or review your materials and help you prepare for successfully engaging in a job search by evaluating job opportunities, creating SMART goals, and preparing for networking and interviews.
Career Advising is a series of 5-10 individual meetings, specific cadence and schedule determined mutually by client and coach. If you have not yet identified your desired next step or are seeking a new career field, our Career Advising program will help you evaluate your options and opportunities. You will meet one-on-one with a member of our Workforce Team and begin with assessments to determine a starting point for your conversations with us, and we will spend 2-3 sessions discussing the pros and cons of options that are both appealing and appropriate for you. We will guide you in learning how to identify opportunities for informational interviews, upskilling/continuing education, and events and networking. Once you’ve determined a direction (or a couple) that you’d like to explore, we will offer you the opportunity to take advantage of our Job Search Coaching service.
Education Advising is a series of 5-10 individual meetings, specific cadence and schedule determined mutually by client and coach. Whether you’re looking for a free course to support the demands of your job, hoping to identify a certificate program to change careers or improve your employability in your field, or looking to go back to school for a degree program (from Associate’s to Doctorate!) we will be pleased to support you on your journey. You will meet one-on-one with a member of our Workforce Team so that we can learn about your needs and interests, and then support you in finding the right opportunities and applying for them.
Peer consults are occasional, as needed conversations. Our Workforce Team knows what it’s like to work when you’re not feeling your best. If you need a safe space to discuss concerns you have about going back to work (or maintain the job you have while you seek other opportunities), we are here to help you. Consults are occasional one-one-one conversations about specific roadblocks. They are limited to offering workplace related support from the peer perspective, and are not a substitute for addressing ongoing issues you may have with maintaining your mental health at work or during a job search.
All Workforce participants are invited to drop in to our weekly virtual sessions (Mondays, 1pm). Presentations and discussions are led by CRC Workforce staff and participants as well as guest speakers in the fields of job coaching, career advising, and professional development. Job Club offers participants the opportunity to discuss and engage with vital information to support their job search, career pivot, and wellness in the workplace and to share experiences with others on the same journey. Please note: This is not a support group; if you are seeking a support group please see “Working & Coping.”
Working & Coping Support Group monthly virtual meetings (3rd Mondays, 7pm) are co-hosted with DBSA-Boston. This facilitated support group offers help to peers who are in need of a listening community to discuss work-related and job-search issues. Please see the Support Group page for more information.
Workforce Program participants are exposed to a breadth of content. Networking, resume writing, application processes, upskilling, interviewing, and negotiating are among the topics covered. Particular attention is paid to the challenges faced by program participants - identifying the right next steps, maintaining motivation, addressing gaps in work history, and understanding employee rights & disclosure options.
If you would like more information about obtaining our services, please email and we will follow up with within 3 business days.
Our Team
Dayna Altman’s warm approach and enthusiastic nature allows her to support clients in their job search while honoring their mental health recovery. Outside of the Cole Resource Center, Dayna is the full force and sole operator of Bake it Till You Make it LLC. A community based organization that uses food and baking to cultivate authentic mental health conversation, Bake it Till You Make it combines the power of food with creative storytelling. When not working in either of these capacities, you can find her with her loved one, usually with an iced coffee in hand.
As Lead Workforce Peer Specialist, Neil Wilson, CPS, works with fellow peers who are in mental health recovery, helping individuals more effectively and successfully select careers and gain employment. Neil’s engagement with CRC is the culmination of a long career in the field of career development that has included work in higher education, corporate outplacement, recruiting, facilitating support groups, and private practice career counseling. Neil lives in Newburyport, MA.
Steve Fedele, IPS Vocational Specialist, is an author, speaker, and has been a peer specialist at McLean Hospital since 2017 where he coordinates the Well-Space Program. Steve supports CRC Workforce clients with questions about documenting disability, workplace accommodations, disclosure, unemployment applications and more.